Our story
A workbook of selected events
Mauve Pictures behind the scenes
Out now.
Trailer New Year Mauve Pictures
We wish you all the best for 2023
Shooting Trailer New Year 2023
@ Studio Mauve Pictures

Just a little bit of november love.
Cutout "Fairy Tale"
Nature Movie Installation "Awakening"
Bleiche Bad Resort Spa Wald ZH
Finally out now. Our new image movie:
Schulthess Klinik "Radiologie.
(Version 1 for radiology & health professionals)
Happy clients, happy Mauve Pictures!
Express order / express work.
Postpoduction image movie: Schulthess Klinik "Radiologie"
Editing, Animation, Colorgrading, Soundmix & Sounddesign.
The entire movie was created and realized within a very limited time frame of one week!

Express order / express work.
Shooting new image movie: Schulthess Klinik "Radiologie"

Finally out now.
Our award winning music video: "Hexenscheit"
For the Swiss singer-songwriter Linard Bardill
Artist / Client: Linard Bardill Music
Screenplay / Director / DoP: Tonio Krüger
Producer: Regula Käch Krüger
Agency / Production: Mauve Pictures
Enjoy the making of "Hexenscheit"
Fine food shooting @ studio Mauve Pictures
Client: L'ultimo Bacio
Agency: Localmedia

Express order / Express work.
Client meeting, location scouting & screenplay work.
New Image movie: "Radiologie"
For our trusted client: Schulthess Klinik
Shooting starts soon.

Little flight training.
Never be out of practice!
We are so happy.
4 x Festival Winner!
Our music video "Hexenscheit / Linard Bardill
Video premiere 28.10.2022


Small cutout: Making of "Hexenscheit"
We love it!
Testing new custom made physical flair filter techniques for an upcoming movie project.

Sucsessful premiere with tears & applause
for our portrait movie: "Tanz des Lebens".
Out of our project series "Personal Portraits"
Featuring "Nelly" a protagonist at the age of 93!
Created & directed by Regula Käch Krüger

Just finished @ studio Mauve Pictures.
Portrait movie: "Tanz des Lebens".
Out of our project series "Personal Portraits"
Featuring a protagonist at the age of 93!
Created & directed by Regula Käch Krüger

We are proud!
Winner EMA (Europe Music Award)
Best Director: Tonio Krueger
Music video "Hexenscheit" Linard Bardill
New album & video coming in october 2022

Back in the black box
Client colorgrading @ studio Mauve Pictures
Branded content / Image movies
Colorist: Tonio Krueger
Client / Agency: Localmedia Rapperswil

Before grading
Sony camera S Cinetone
After grading with highlight recovery & skin tone enhancing

Post production branded content for a new
contactless trafic payment system.
Editing, compositing, colorgrading, & subtiteling.
Client: Scheit & Bachmann
Agency: Komthur

Shooting branded content for a new contactless trafic payment system.
Client: Scheit & Bachmann
Agency: Komthur

Post production Music Video " Hexenscheit"
For the Swiss singer-songwriter Linard Bardill.
Performing a lot of compositing work.
New album & video coming in october 2022

Shooting in the heat with the best crew ever!
New Musicvideo "Hexenscheit" by Linard Bardill.

Final equipment prepping for our next movie adventure.
Musicvideo "Hexenscheit" for the Swiss singer - songwwriter: Linard Bardill.
Shooting starts tomorrow!

The Mauve Pictures family tradition goes on!
Today 30 years married and still in love.

Second shooting session. Real life.
Project "Personal Portraits"
Created & directed by Regula Käch
Featuring a protagonist at the age of 93!

First shooting session. Interviews.
Project "Personal Portraits"
Featuring a protagonist at the age of 93!

Concept work & storyboarding.
New music video "Hexenscheit"
Client: Swiss singer-songwriter Linard Bardill.
Artwork by Tonio Krüger
Agency: Mauve Pictures

Location scouting
New music video "Hexenscheit"
by Linard Bardill

Shooting home page adds
"JMS / Landolt Group"
Agency: Localmedia

Back to the roots
Out now
A classic "Film noir" portrait session.
Featuring the beautiful Adriana

Out now.
Our art exhibition movie: "Portals of Light"
Client: Fondation Lascaux
Artist: Barbara Diethelm
Filmed @ Helmhaus Zurich / Switzerland
Shooting a classic black & white portrait session
@ studio Mauve Pictures
Featuring Adriana

Shooting & Postproduction
Art movie project "Portals of Light"
Client: Fondation Lascaux / Artist: Barbara Diethelm
Coming soon

Visiting our next shooting location at "Helmhaus" Zurich.
For the upcoming art movie project "Portals of Light"
Client: Fondation Lascaux
Artist: Barbara Diethelm

Created out of passion.
After a long period of screenplay and pre production work,
we are finally ready for production.
Our art movie and fashion project
Screenplay & artwork by Tonio Krüger
Now looking for sponsoring partners or potential clients

Colorgrading & Finishing
JMS rebranding web adds

Hello 2022!
"And there is magic in every beginning"
Finally out now.
Our new image movie: "Colltex Hexagon"
We love it and are very proud of this work.
Client: Colltex AG (Premium Swiss ski skin manufacturer)
Agency / Production: Mauve Pictures